Brand Centre

Your Hub for Logos and Brand Assets

Primary Logo

With both dark and light versions available, our combination mark adapts effortlessly to any background or context, ensuring consistent representation across all mediums.


The bold blue hue forms the shape of a ‘C’ signifying our dedication to Clients, while the vibrant red, orange, and green hues cleverly intertwine to shape the letter ‘E,’ symbolising Engager.

Our icon is available in both light and dark versions, ensuring versatility across all mediums and contexts.


Our color palette complements the brand’s personality, ensuring consistent and vibrant representation.

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We use modern and legible fonts that align with our professional yet approachable image.

Usage Guidelines for "Engager" and ""


  • The first letter of “Engager” or “” should always be capitalised.

When to Use “Engager” vs. “”:

    • Use “Engager” when referring to the brand or the company in a general context.

      • Example: “Engager is committed to revolutionising practice management for accountants and bookkeepers.”
    • Use “” when referring specifically to the web application or when you want to emphasise the digital aspect of the platform.

      • Example: “Log in to to access your customisable dashboard.”

Examples in Sentences:

  • “Our team at Engager is dedicated to providing top-notch customer service.”

  • “You can find more information by visiting”

  • “Engager offers a variety of features designed to improve workflow efficiency.”

  • “ allows users to customize their login pages with their own branding.”

General Tips:

  • Consistency is key. Choose either “Engager” or “” based on the context and stick with it throughout your communication.

  • Avoid using variations like “engager” or “Engager App” to ensure brand consistency.

By following these guidelines, you will help maintain a clear and professional representation of our brand across all platforms and communications.


Use these backgrounds for engaging and visually appealing branded materials.

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One Day Dedicated to Practice Management for Accountants and Bookkeepers 🚀🚀🚀
